Tellurium Q Black II power cable 1.8m
Introducing the New Black II: Redefining Excellence in Audio Cables
Experience audio like never before with the all-new Black II. While the previous version of Black was renowned and received numerous accolades, the latest iteration takes performance to unprecedented heights. This upgraded Black II cable transcends its predecessor, offering a refined, musically precise sound that aligns seamlessly with our extensive research spanning over the past 5 years.
At first glance, the Black II may resemble its predecessor, but the true distinction becomes immediately evident once it's connected to your audio system. Gone are the days of "clumsy" sound; the Black II delivers an unmatched level of clarity and precision. It's an audio cable that has been meticulously crafted to elevate your musical experience, ensuring every note resonates with accuracy and richness.
Discover the extraordinary difference that the Black II can make in your audio setup. Immerse yourself in the harmonious blend of innovation and sophistication, and unlock the true potential of your sound system. Upgrade to the Black II today and embark on a sonic journey like no other.
Class A
8/585 Blackburn Road,
Notting Hill, VIC
03 85550735
www.classaaudio.com.auTrimira Audio & Integration
1/141 Campbell St Bowen Hills Qld 4006
07 3854 0406
www.trimira.com.auBrisbane HiFi
5/17 Morrison Close, QLD 4122
07 3219 2545
www.brisbanehifi.com.auRevolution Turntable
Unit 1. 81 Guthrie St Osborne Park Western, WA 6017
08 9445 2783
www.revolutionturntable.com.auDutch Vinyl
269 Johnston street Abbotsford 3067
0481 882 219
www.dutchvinyl.com.auHiFi Collector Pty Ltd
9 Deviation Rd
08 7130 0148
www.hificollector.com.auHey Now HiFi
Level 2 Suite 2.02/ 22 St Kilda Rd, St Kilda, Vic, 3182
03 9525 0022
www.heynowhifi.com.auSpace Hi-Fi
Unit 3/115-117 Orchard Road
02 8739 9989
www.spacehifi.com.auElectronic Forefront Australia
PO Box 2238 Carlingford NSW 2118
1300 089 559
www.electronicforefront.com.auKrispy Audio
PO Box 82, Berowra Heights NSW
02 8006 4666
www.krispyaudio.com.au7 reviews for Tellurium Q Black II Power cable
HiFi Pig
“I didn’t think I would be able to hear much of a difference between the old and new, but I was surprised at just how improved the Black II was, whether it be the speed of transients, improved soundstage or improved lower bass end and it was noticeable with all sources and all music.
I didn’t expect a mains cable to improve my listening anywhere as much as it did.”
– Janine Elliot, HiFi Pig
“…suffice to say with the Black II it really did its homework. The result is a great-sounding, premium-priced mains cable that’s a meaningful upgrade to high-end systems.”
HiFi Pig
“I didn’t think I would be able to hear much of a difference between the old and new, but I was surprised at just how improved the Black II was, whether it be the speed of transients, improved soundstage or improved lower bass end and it was noticeable with all sources and all music.
I didn’t expect a mains cable to improve my listening anywhere as much as it did.”
– Janine Elliot, HiFi Pig
HiFi Choice
“There’s no doubt in my mind that, compared with its predecessor, the Black II offers a notable improvement in audio quality with a new level of refinement to the sound. Given that there is no increase in cost, it’s clearly better value for money too.”
– Neville Roberts, HiFi Choice
The Audiophile Man
“Tellurium Q, on the other hand, seems to have found ‘the answer’ in terms of its cable designs. I can’t remember when I last gave the company a bad review. And it’s not for the want of trying. I really have tried to nit pick the company’s cables because I’ve actually been bored with showering them with superlatives. “Oh come on! Really? There must be an issue here somewhere?” Try as I might, I have real problems. It doesn’t help my grizzled reviewer reputation, let me tell you. The company has hit on a special formula with its cable production that I have major problems in faulting.
This Black II mains cable is, I’m afraid, no exception to that deeply troubling situation. It sounds lovely. Damn it.”
–Paul Rigby, The Audiophile Man
HiFi and Music Source
“Introducing the new Tellurium Q Black II power cable I can hear an edge to Faulkner’s voice in the introduction I have not heard before, it is like his voice is breaking up as he reaches for the notes. The guitar resolution is also that little bit cleaner, pointing to an enhanced midrange delivery, something I notice in the next track, Skinny Love. At the first crescendo of the track, the soundstage is different; bigger, and heightened, longer. Does the Transmission Line bass loading linger for that fraction more, I think it does?”
Simon Wilce, HiFi and Music Source
The Ear
“The new Tellurium Q Black Mk II represents the best that I have heard from any mains cable that retails for under £1,000. …. once you have heard it I think you will know very quickly that you cannot go back to whatever was there before, and you will be really hearing what your system can achieve.”
Chris Kelly, The Ear.net
Tellurium Q