Enleum AMP-23R Integrated Amplifier
Enleum is taking a new leap forward with the AMP-23R. The AMP-23R is the follow-up model of the AMP-13R, completed with all the best capabilities Enleum can implement.
While the AMP-13R has been praised all around the world for its utmost performance and unique design, Enleum has pushed Enleum’s boundaries to create the new AMP-23R with a new circuit that further enhances the existing performance. And Enleum has also drastically improved the PCB circuit board artwork down to the most minute details.
The AMP-23R’s physical size and footprint are identical to the AMP-13R. Still, with the all-new chassis and thermal heatsink design, we’re launching a product that’s fit for the next-generation reference compact amplifier. The unique design was again awarded the Red Dot Award: Product Design 2021. The AMP-23R proudly showcases Enleum’s expertise in technology and design.
Ensence : Essence of enleum
The AMP-23R’s newly developed Essence Circuit was born from years of expertise acquired from previous-generation technologies. Now with a completely new and advanced PCB artwork, the circuit employs all discrete transistors with zero negative feedback and features an ultra-fast and ultra-wide frequency response. All these advanced technologies are concentrated into a compact module called “Essence” which takes its important role at the input of the amplifier.
The Essence module then delivers its incoming music signals to output circuits through a precise attenuator that sets the lossless amplification factor or gain.“Enlightenment” of design
Enleum’s philosophy of pursuing “simplicity” remains unchanged in the course of Enleum’s journey. Enleum’s design is focused on perfection with minimalistic originality and beauty, excluding all unnecessary elements in the development process. And as a result, Enleum’s products have made a solid mark on the audio industry. With years of experience and expertise in precision design and metal crafting technology, Enleum has once again raised the bar with the AMP-23R.Dimensions H55 x W230 x D230mm Weight 4.0 kg Power
25Wpc @ 8 Ohms, 45 Watts @ 4 Ohms Frequency
10 Hz ~ 100 kH Gain 22.5 dB max (Speaker, Headphone High) | 7 dB max (Headphone Low) Inputs 2 Voltage (RCA) | 1 ENLINK (BNC) Outputs 5 Way Speaker Binding Post | 1/4 AudioMagic
215 Bell St, Preston VIC 3072 Melbourne, Australia
+61 3 9489 51 225 reviews for Enleum AMP-23R Integrated Amplifier
“If this story’s product seems unfamiliar, the odds are that you might’ve already stumbled upon its previous incarnation under a different banner. If you’re into headfi’s top shelf and one lucky HifiMan Susvara owner, you had to hear about it by now.”
“When it comes to amplifiers power is cheap, especially if you are looking at transistors. You can get 100 Watt amps for sums that don’t break the bank… and that’s your classic Class A/B types; if you go for Class D, prices are significantly lower. But there was a time when modest power outputs were the norm for solid-state amplifiers and 50 Watts was considered more than sufficient for the average system.”
“The Enleum AMP-23R is a zero-negative feedback Class AB design, using an enhanced version of the SATRI circuitry first used in Soo In Chae’s designs for Bakoon International. The proprietary Ensence input modules are constructed from discrete transistors and give a bandwidth of 10 Hz -1 MHz, although the whole amplifier is specified at a rather more modest 100 kHz.”
“I absolutely love this amplifier! It has everything you might be looking for in a “one-amplifier-to-rule-them-all” as it can drive (with complete ease) the most power-hungry headphones you can throw at it but still be equally light-handed with some of the most efficient headphones around (and everything in between). The background of this amplifier is dead-black even with some of my in-ear monitors!”
The Enleum AMP-23R is tonally one of the finest solid-state amplifiers I have heard, and those looking for deep musical involvement would be well served auditioning one. If you don’t require gobs of power, you’ll have a hard time finding a solid-state amplifier under $10K that’s anywhere close to as rich and clear-sounding AMP-23R.
Easily the BEST amp I've heard! Enleum AMP-23R review
A review of the Enleum AMP-23R amplifier for loudspeakers and headphones.
Watch the Passion for Sound review on YouTube
"Using Wilson Audio TuneTot loudspeakers ... I played the new Dean Wareham album, pretty straight forward band type album, ... and it sounded utterly sublime through Enleum / Wilson combination, I mean just the presence of music and the palpability is something I've not heard from these Wilsons before!"
Watch the Darko Audio review on YouTube
"If you like fast, dynamic, high energy, holographic imaging in soundstage, walk in sound stage, details that flow in the air, drive .... Lighter footed, lit from within kind of sound! It's the most holographic and three dimensional that I've heard my speakers bar none!"
This small SIMPLE Reference Integrated AMP BLEW ME AWAY!
Watch the Steve Huff Photo & HiFi review on YouTube