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Skyanalog REF - Hi-Fi News Review | OUTSTANDING PRODUCT

Hi-Fi News - September 2024 - Skyanalog REF Review -  amazing read !


Skyanalog REF got OUTSTANDING PRODUCT award by the Editor and reviewer Ken Kessler ! 

Starting at the 54 page of the September 2024 edition of the Hi-Fi News

magazine, Ken Kessler wrote about fantastic Skyanalog REF MC cartridge:


"Wonder stuff

Better still for me, as I obsess about vocals, were the ways distinctive voices were delivered so realistically. We are talking here about guests including Stevie Wonder (‘Ebony And Ivory’) and Carl Perkins (‘Get It’), plus harmonies from Linda McCartney and Eric Stewart, as well as Paul himself. All five are familiar, all unique, and the interplay was damned near perfect."

"I was hard-pressed to think of a cartridge of similar merit at the Skyanalog REF’s price point, the foundation it creates exhibiting the substance of a DS Audio optical cartridge [HFN Jan ’24], if less dry."

Read the full review of Skyanalog REF in September 2024 Hi-Fi News

Find out more about Skyanalog REF in Australia

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