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Aleksandar Maksimovic

Copland CTA407 integrated tube amplifier

Updated: Feb 14, 2023

RRP 9,900 AUD

The amplifier is the interface between your signal sources and the speaker system, whatever is lost at this position is lost forever, and conversely, whatever is introduced is amplified. Amplifiers are also products for everyday use. Some successfully deviate from the conventional, they remind us of the strive for perfection – a human virtue we like to recognise and be close to.

The forty LED diodes on the front panel (10 for each tube) are the visual part of the CTA407 tube bias and diagnostic system. And yes, the LEDs can be turned off if you don’t want to read the status of your power tubes on the fly.

The CTA407 will automatically adjust for any tube in the 6550/KT88/KT120/KT150 family.

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