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Audio Magic attended StereoNET Melbourne Hi-Fi & AV Show 2023

Aleksandar Maksimovic

Audio Magic attended StereoNET Melbourne Hi-Fi & AV Show 2023 which took place at the Pullman Mercure venue in Melbourne, from the 20th to the 22nd of October.

Audio Magic presented several brands from our portfolio: Harbeth, KUDOS, Copland, Ayre Acoustics, AQUA Acoustic Quality, LUMIN, HANA, Tellurium Q®, Finite Elemente…

As expected, the first day at the show was a struggle as we were trying to cheat the rules of physics and make the system sound good in the square ( almost cube ) like a hotel room. But after some fiddling and fine tuning we settled and started enjoying the music. Special thanks to Michael from Magenta Audio for saving us a headache by pointing to the most basic ( beginners ) oversight we made, ... How about you check if your cables are connected properly ?!!

Thanks Mike!

Throughout the Melbourne HiFi Show visitors will be able to see and hear the following :

Analogue Sources: Bergmann Audio Magne Anniversary Turntable

Digital Sources: Aqua Acoustic Quality - LinQ Network Interface Aqua Acoustic Quality - La Diva CD Transport

LUMIN – L2 Music Library & Network Switch LUMIN – U2 Streaming Transport LUMIN - P1 Audio Hub

DAC: Aqua Acoustic Quality - xHD Rev.2 Optologic DAC

Amps: Ayre Acoustics - AX-5 Twenty Integrated Amplifier Copland - CTA407 Integrated Tube Amplifier LUMIN AMP


Kudos Audio – Titan T606 Harbeth Audio – SuperHL5+ XD Harbeth Audio – M30.2 XD


Tellurium Q® - all cabling

Finite Elemente - HiFi racks

TonTräger - Reference loudspeaker stands

We are happy to report that, again some “audio magic” happened ( yes, pun intended ) KUDOS Titan 606 loudspeakers got in focus, the thunderous yet super tight sound in a hotel room is a lot to ask for, but it just happened!

To all of you who came to visit our room at the show, and celebrate HiFi and music with us, THANK YOU!

Some photos from our room as it was on Friday 20th October :

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